AFES-Ghana’s vision is solidarity in action for women and youth empowerment and AFESGhana stands for equal rights for all, irrespective of sex, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, disability, and social status. AFES-Ghana’s principles establish that we will promote human rights, equality, and a just distribution of power and resources between all individuals, including women and men. Given the increasing concentration of power and resources in the hands of a privileged few, AFES-Ghana considers that strong popular participation and organization are crucial to change power relations. Young men and young women’s influence and organization must increase to participate on equal terms with adult men and women.
AFES-Ghana establishes partnerships with organizations that share our values, including gender equality and social inclusion goals. This strategy lays out AFES-Ghana’s commitments to strive for a world free from discrimination based on gender, and where every human being can fulfil their potential unhindered by discriminating public policies, economic and social structures. The strategy sets out AFES-Ghana’s commitments and principles for our gender equality and social inclusion work. The strategy applies to AFES-Ghana’s work; our programmes, our policy, advocacy and communication work, and not least.